Wednesday 11 February 2015


"Why don't You just tell me about it" He asked.
"Please not now" she muttered, as she tried to choke in the tears "I uhm, I'm in a bad place mentally right now"

He watched as she turned and walked away, feeling helpless. He wished he could access what was going on in that Head of Hers- this stubborn Mule of his!
It took every willpower not to run into his arms- only place she'd felt safe in recent times. I can't always do that she uttered under her breath, one day he might not be there anymore (she shook her head as though to erase the possibility)*sniffs*. She pulled out her handkerchief to wipe off the errant teardrops.

Why why why do I endure all these? She thought to herself
"You always pour your soul into the lives of others and you end up like this! when will You understand humans are selfish"- an inner voice said.
"People will always throw your flaws and mistakes in your face"
No! she didn't realize she'd said that out loud, until a street urchin gave her quite an unusual stare. She started to laugh at how silly she must appear at this moment- shoulders dropped, eyes red, mascara smudged, a Shoe in hand and sniffing from all the sobbing.
*sighs* you know what you must do- that voice again. This time she agreed as she'd been thinking the same thing.

Home, I'll go home. There's nothing here for me anymore- she thought. Home is where I always fit in- where I can always be myself, even when I'm sometimes clumsy- It's okay.
Yes, yes she thought and almost tap danced as she thought about it. She picked up her Phone and sent her a message: hiatus.

"huh?" the recipient replied.
"I'm done, thanks for your hospitality- I'm going back to Mum's" She almost spat the words.
... Then came the barrage of phone calls/I.Ms/texts. 
Alas, it was too late
Song Post: ♫ Sunburn-  Ed Sheeran 

- By SporadicWriter


  1. me thinking...we all get to the point where we
    don't wanna be a burden. To the boo and to her host, ur
    heroine was able to draw the line. Home by Chris Daughtry
    comes to mind as well.
    Hitherto, shalt thou write less 'sporadically' Miss Igure!

  2. Temitope, you are very sound. Am intrigued with your instinct

  3. @Pipi you are right about Home, Ed's the reason I forgot all about Daughtry and you're absolutely right; we (or some of us) all get to that point..

    @Ibrahim thanks, I hope you browse by too- when I do write again.

  4. I stumbled on this… and the first three paragraphs raised my blood pressure a bit.
    There’s an inherent desire in every man, to be a rock and a bed for anyone he Err….. cares for (I sadly agree that there are irresponsible exceptions to this rule).
    Granted it’s really not easy for a lady to completely dump all her worries and cares on him, which makes them draw that thin fine line between “burden” and “Significant other”… but it certainly drives me crazy whenever the one I claim to love doesn't dump everything on me; knowing that I contributed to that contented smile on her face after the "wahala" has passed, is more than enough reward.
    It really was a good read. 10/10-would read again.


Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts, cheers.